This page allows you to alter the specifications relating to the weather forecast. This information is gathered from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. This information SHOULD NOT be changed unless advised by the Developer or a Technology Systems Administrator. The data is pulled from the BOM using the FTP protocol. If the weather forecast fails to load data, please first check with your Technology System Administrators to ensure that there is no firewall issues with pulling FTP files from the specified Host.
- BOM Weather data: You can turn on or off the retrieval of BOM weather forecast data.
- Host: The host URL for the retrieval of the weather forecast data file (as at April 2019 = )
- Area ID: This is the area id of the weather station that is to be used for the forecast data. This information can be reviewed at (as at April 2019 QLD_PT050 is the area id for Brisbane Airport).
- FTP Forecast Path: This is the path from the host where the ftp file holding the forecast data can be found (as at April 2019 this path is /anon/gen/fwo/)
- Product File: This is the name of the file that contains the forecast data (as at April 2019 this file is named IDQ10095.xml).
- Refresh button: Use this button to refresh the forecast data. The forecast data is obtained from the BOM website when you first enter the Weather page, and again on entering the Weather page if the time is past the next forecast due time as specified by the last retrieval of data.